The most important facts about the 2025 motorway vignette
If you are driving on motorways or motorways in Switzerland, it is a must: the motorway vignette. This costs 40 francs each and is valid for 14 months. The variant has been available as an e-vignette since August 2023. You can read here what there is to consider about the green sticker and the new digital version.
Which vehicles need a vignette?
The motorway vignette must be affixed to all motor vehicles travelling on first or second class national roads – including motorcycles and trailers. Vehicles that are subject to the heavy vehicle charge, on the other hand, do not need a motorway vignette. This includes motor vehicles and trailers that have a total weight of over 3.5 tonnes and are used for the transport of goods or passengers.
On which roads is the vignette mandatory?
The vignette requirement applies to so-called first class ('motorways') and second class ('motorways') national roads. These roads are marked with green signs for motorways and motorways. You can find detailed information on this on the website of the Federal Customs Administration.
If you get into a police check without a valid motorway vignette, it will be expensive: a fine of 200 francs will be due. In addition, you must buy a new vignette at the same time and attach it to the vehicle – so a total of 240 francs must be paid as a fine. The penalty is even higher for a forged vignette: Not only is there a fine for this, but there is even a risk of up to three years in prison.
Where can I buy the new motorway vignette?
The Swiss motorway vignette for the following year will be available from 1.12 at the following locations:
- as an e-vignette online
- at customs when entering
- Switzerland
- at post offices
- at rest stops
- at petrol stations
- at the offices of the TCS
- at the cantonal road traffic offices
- partly in the retail trade
In addition, there are various promotions every year where you can get the motorway vignette at a lower price or even for free. For example, at a retailer above a certain minimum purchase or at a car service in your garage. So it's worth keeping your eyes open here.
How long is the 2025 motorway vignette valid?
The vignette is valid for 14 months – for the period from 1 December 2024 to 31 January 2026. This means that by February 1, 2025 at the latest, the new copy must be stuck to the vehicle or digitally removed. By the way: There are no daily, weekly or monthly vignettes available in Switzerland.
What are the benefits of the new e-vignette?
In principle, the new e-vignette is equivalent to the adhesive vignette. It also costs 40 francs and is valid for 14 months. The great advantage of the e-vignette is that it is tied to the license plate. Since it does not have to be glued to the physical vehicle (and removed later), there is a cost saving especially for interchangeable plates. Likewise, when changing vehicles, as long as the same license plate is used, there is no need to buy a vignette again.
What do I need to consider when buying an e-vignette?
The e-vignette can be purchased online around the clock, regardless of location, and is valid immediately. All you need to do is specify the license plate, the vehicle type and its country of registration.
Where is the sticker attached?
The motorway vignette in adhesive version must be affixed to the inside of the windscreen in a clearly visible way for cars, either on the left edge of the windscreen or at the top of the interior rear-view mirror. However, you have to make sure that your view is not restricted by the sticker. In the case of trailers and motorcycles, the vignette must be attached to a non-replaceable, easily accessible part.
What is the best way to remove the old adhesive vignette?
Many colorful stickers on the windshield may look beautiful, but they can also be fined. Multiple motorway vignettes can restrict your vision while driving, which can result in a fine. It is therefore advisable to remove the old vignette.
I am selling or disposing of my car - what happens to the sticker vignette?
In principle, the sticker vignette applies to the vehicle and not to its owner. So if you buy a used car from someone and already have a current motorway vignette on it, it is still valid for the current year and can remain attached to the car. The same applies in the event that you sell your car to someone.
But what happens when you buy a new car and dispose of your old vehicle? Since the motorway vignette is not transferable from one vehicle to the other, you cannot simply remove the sticker and stick it on your new car before disposing of the old car. You have to get a new one.
If you need to replace the windscreen, you will be refunded the amount of the vignette by your insurance company. However, you must send in the old motorway vignette – or at least parts of it – as well as the invoice for the new windscreen.
With the introduction of the e-vignette, you now have more options when buying a vignette. If you opt for the sticker vignette, there are one or two points to consider. However, if you keep them in mind, nothing stands in the way of a free ride.